Week 01 - Introduction

Week 1 - Introduction #

Several types of learning algorithms #

Supervised Learning #

  • Regression, to predict results within a continuous output.
    • For example, predict housing prices:
      • Given this data, how to predict the value of a specific size?
      • How to solve this?
        • Straight line through data
          • Maybe $150,000
        • Polynomial
          • Maybe $200,000
        • We’ll learn how to choose function later.
      • After we fitted a line to the data, we can predict the actual values for houses
    • From the sample, all of the data we plotted called training data, and the action we fit lines to the data called linear regression
  • Classification, to predict results in a discrete output.
    • For example, checking a tumor is malignant or not.

Unsupervised Learning #

  • derive this structure by clustering the data based on relationships among the variables in the data.
    • For example, grouping news stories into cohesive groups

Linear Regression (Model and Cost Function) #

  • Model Representation

    • To describe the supervised learning problem slightly more formally, our goal is, given a training set, to learn a function h : X → Y so that $h^{(x)}$ is a “good” predictor for the corresponding value of y. For historical reasons, this function h is called a hypothesis. Seen pictorially, the process is therefore like this:


    • $h_{\theta}(x)=\theta_{0}+\theta_{1}x$, and this means:

      • Y is a linear function of x
        • $\theta_{i}$ are parameters
        • $\theta_{0}$ is zero condition
        • $\theta_{1}$ is gradient
    • This kind of function is a Linear Regression with one variable,

      • also called Univariate Linear Regression

Cost Function #

  • A cost function lets us figure out how to fit the best straight line to our data

  • Choosing values for $\theta_{1}$ (parameters)

    • Different values give you different functions
    • If $\theta_{0}$ is 1.5 and $\theta_{1}$ is 0 then we get straight line parallel with X along 1.5 @ y
    • If $\theta_{1}$ is > 0 then we get a positive slope
    • We want to find a straight line which colse to the actual ys as possible
  • To formalize this:

    • We want to solve a minimization problem
    • Minimize $(h_{\theta}(x)-y)^{2}$
      • minimize the difference between h(x) and y for each/any/every example
    • Sum this over the training set: $\dfrac {1}{2m} \sum_{i=1}^m \left (h_\theta (x_{i}) - y_{i} \right)^2$
      • $\frac{1}{2m}$
        • $\frac{1}{m}$ - means we determine the average
        • $\frac{1}{2m}$ - the 2 makes the math a bit easier, and doesn’t change the constants we determine at all (i.e. half the smallest value is still the smallest value)
    • This is a cost function:
      • $J(\theta_0, \theta_1) = \dfrac{1}{2m} \sum_{i=1}^m ( \hat{y}_ {i} - y_{i} )^2 = \dfrac{1}{2m} \sum_{i=1}^m (h_\theta (x_{i}) - y_{i} )^2$
      • And we want to minimize this cost function
        • Our cost function is (because of the summation term) inherently looking at ALL the data in the training set at any time
  • The following image summarizes what the cost function does:

    • week-1-2

    • Hypothesis - is like your prediction machine, throw in an x value, get a putative y value

    • Cost - is a way to, using your training data, determine values for your $\theta$ values which make the hypothesis as accurate as possible

      • This cost function is also called the squared error cost function

Cost Function - Intuition #

  • Simplified hypothesis (Assumes $θ_{0}= 0$)
    • So we got: $h_{\theta}(x)=\theta_{1}x$, then the cost function will be:
    • $J(\theta_1) = \dfrac {1}{2m} \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^m \left (h_\theta (x_{i}) - y_{i} \right)^2$
    • $\displaystyle {\text{minimize} \atop \theta_{1}}$, $J(\theta_{1})$
    • For example:
      • week-1-3-1
    • $\theta=1$, then $h_{\theta}(x) = 0 + 1\times x$ , then $h_\theta (x_{i}) - y_{i} =0$ , then $J(\theta_{1})=0$
    • Plots: ( $\theta_{1}=1, J(\theta_{1})=0$ ), ($\theta_{1}=0.5, J(\theta_{1})\approx0.58$ ), ($\theta_{1}=0, J(\theta_{1})\approx2.3$ )
    • Then we got:
    • The optimization objective for the learning algorithm is find the value of $\theta_{1}$ which $\text{minimizes } J(\theta_{1})$
      • So, here $\theta_{1} = 1$ is the best value for $\theta_{1}$
  • Using our original complex hypothesis with two paribles,So cost function is $J(\theta_{0}, \theta_{1})$
    • Generates a 3D surface plot where axis are
      • $X = \theta_{0}$
      • $Z = \theta_{0}$
      • $Y=J(\theta_{0}, \theta_{1})$
    • Instead of a surface plot we can use a contour figures/plots
      • Set of ellipses in different colors
      • Each color is the same value of $J(\theta_{0}, \theta_{1})$ , but obviously plot to different locations because $\theta_{1}$ and $\theta_{0}$ will vary
      • Imagine a bowl shape function coming out of the screen so the middle is the concentric circles

Parameter Learning #

Gradient Descent #

  • Minimize cost function $J$
  • Gradient descent
    • Used all over machine learning for minimization
  • Start by looking at a general $J()$ function
  • Problem
    • We have $J(\theta_{0}, \theta_{1})$
    • We want to get $\min J(\theta_{0}, \theta_{1})$
  • Gradient descent applies to more general functions
    • $J(\theta_{0}, \theta_{1}, \theta_{2}… \theta_{n})$
    • $\min J(\theta_{0}, \theta_{1}, \theta_{2}… \theta_{n})$
  • Outline:
    • Start with some $\theta_{0}, \theta_{1}$,
    • Keep changing $\theta_{0}, \theta_{1}$ to reduce $J(\theta_{0}, \theta_{1})$ until we hopefully end up at a minimum
    • Here we can see one initialization point led to one local minimum
    • The other led to a different one

Gradient Descent Intuition #

  • $\theta_j := \theta_j - \alpha \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta_j} J(\theta_0, \theta_1)$ for $( j=0, j=1)$

  • What does this all mean?

    • Update $\theta_{j}$ by setting it to $(\theta_{j} - \alpha)$ times the partial derivative of the cost function with respect to $\theta_{j}$
  • Notation

    • $:=$
      • Denotes assignment
      • $\alpha$ (alpha) Is a number called the learning rate
      • Controls how big a step you take
        • If α is big have an aggressive gradient descent
        • If α is small take tiny steps
  • Derivative term: $\frac{\partial}{\partial \theta_j} J(\theta_0, \theta_1)$, will derive it later

  • How this gradient descent algrorithm is impliemented

    • Do this for $\theta_{0}$ and $\theta_{1}$
    • For $j=0$ and $j=1$ means we simultaneously update both, like:
      • week-1-12
  • Understanding the algorithm

    • back to simpler function where we minimize one parameter

      • $\min_{\theta_{1}}J(\theta_{1})$ where $\theta_{1}$ is a real number
    • Two key terms in the algorithm

      • $\alpha$ Alpha
      • $\frac{\partial}{\partial \theta_j} J(\theta_0, \theta_1)$ Derivative term
    • Notation nuances

      • Partial derivative vs. Derivative
        • Use partial derivative when we have multiple variables but only derive with respect to one
        • Use derivative when we are deriving with respect to all the variables
    • Derivative term

      • Lets take the tangent at the point and look at the slope of the line
      • So moving towards the mimum (down) will create a negative derivative, alpha is always positive, so will update $j(\theta_{1})$ to a smaller value
      • Similarly, if we’re moving up a slope we make $j(\theta_{1})$ a bigger numbers
      • week-1-13
    • Alpha term (α)

      • week-1-14
    • How does gradient descent converge with a fixed step size α?

      • The intuition behind the convergence is that $\frac{\partial}{\partial \theta_j} J(\theta_0, \theta_1)$, $\theta_{1}$ approaches 0 as we approach the bottom of our convex function. At the minimum, the derivative will always be 0 and thus we get:

        • $\theta_{1}:=\theta_{1}-\alpha \times 0$

      • week-1-15

Gradient Descent For Linear Regression #

  • Apply gradient descent to minimize the squared error cost function $J(\theta_{0},\theta_{1})$

  • Now we have a partial derivative:

    • week-1-16
  • So we need to determine the derivative for each parameter:

  • $$\begin{aligned} \text{repeat until convergence: } \lbrace \\ \theta_0 := & \theta_0 - \alpha \frac{1}{m} \sum\limits_{i=1}^{m}(h_\theta(x_{i}) - y_{i}) \\ \theta_1 := & \theta_1 - \alpha \frac{1}{m} \sum\limits_{i=1}^{m}\left((h_\theta(x_{i}) - y_{i}) x_{i}\right) \\ \rbrace \end{aligned}$$

    • To check this you need to know multivariate calculus. So go back here when you finished multivariable calculus.
      • We have separated out the two cases for $\theta_{j}$ into separate equations for $\theta_{0}$ and $\theta_{1}$; and that for $\theta_1$ we are multiplying $x_i$ at the end due to the derivative. The following is a derivation of $\frac{\partial}{\partial \theta_j} J(\theta)$ for a single example :
      • week-1-18
  • How does it work

    • Risk of meeting different local optimum
    • The linear regression cost function is always a convex function
    • always has a single minimum
      • Bowl shaped
        • One global optima
          • So gradient descent will always converge to global optima
    • In action
      • Initialize values to $\theta_{0} = 900, \theta_{1} = -0.1$
      • week-1-17
    • End up at a global minimum
    • This is actually “Batch” Gradient Descent
      • Refers to the fact that over each step you look at all the training data
        • Each step compute over m training examples
      • Sometimes non-batch versions exist, which look at small data subsets
        • We’ll look at other forms of gradient descent (to use when m is too large) later in the course
    • There exists a numerical solution for finding a solution for a minimum function
      • Normal equations method Gradient descent scales better to large data sets though
      • Used in lots of contexts and machine learning

Linear Algebra #

Matrices and Vectors #

  • Matrix: Rectangular array of numbers:

    • $X = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\ 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 \\ 9 & 10 & 11 & 12 & 13 \end{bmatrix}$
  • Dimension of matrix: number of rows x number of columns

  • $X_{ij}$ = “i,j entry” in the $i^{th}$ row, $j^{th}$ column.

  • Vector: An n x 1 matrix.

    • $y = \begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ 3 \\ 13 \end{bmatrix}$
    • $y_{i}$ = $i^{th}$ element
  • Uppercase letter for Matrix, and lowwercase for Vector.

Addition and Scalar Multiplication #

  • Matrix Addition:

    • Two matrices must have an equal number of rows and columns to be added.
    • Sample:
      • $\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2 & 3 \\ 3 & 4 & 5 \end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix} 3 & 1 & 6 \\ 6 & 7 & 2 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 4 & 3 & 9 \\ 9 & 11 & 7 \end{bmatrix}$
      • Error!! $\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2 & 3 \\ 3 & 4 & 5 \end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix} 3 & 1 \\ 6 & 7 \end{bmatrix}$
  • Scalar Multiplication

    • Sample:
      • $3 \times \begin{bmatrix} 3 & 1 \\ 6 & 7 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 9 & 3 \\ 18 & 21 \end{bmatrix}$

Matrix Vector Multiplication #

  • week-1-m-11
  • Example:
    • $\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2 & 3 \\ 3 & 4 & 5 \end{bmatrix} \times \begin{bmatrix} 4 \\ 3 \\ 2 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 16 \\ 34 \end{bmatrix}$
    • Row 1: $1 \times 4 + 2 \times 3 + 3 \times 2 = 16$​
  • week-1-m-13

Matrix Matrix Multiplication #

  • week-1-m-16
  • week-1-m-18

Matrix Multiplication Properties #

  • Let A and B be matirces. Then in general, $A B \ne B A$ . (not commutative)
  • $A B C$ :
    • Let $D = B C$. Compute $A D$
    • Let $E = A B$. Compute $E C$
  • Identity Matrix:
    • week-1-m-22

Inverse and Transpose #

  • Inverse: $AA^{-1} = A^{-1}A = I$ . Like $3 * 3^{-1} = 1$
    • week-1-m-24
    • Not all numbers have an inverse. Like 0 doesn’t have.
    • Matrices that don’t have an inverse are “singular” or “degenerate”.
    • How did you find the inverse
      • Turns out that you can sometimes do it by hand, although this is very hard
      • Numerical software for computing a matrices inverse
        • Lots of open source libraries
  • Transpose:
    • week-1-m-25

Words #

  • algebra [‘ældʒibrə] n. 代数学
  • gradient [‘ɡreidiənt] n. 梯度;坡度
  • descent [di’sent] n. 下降;血统;袭击
  • gradient descent 梯度下降法
  • intuition [,intju:‘iʃən] n. 直觉;直觉力;
  • linear [’liniə] adj. 线的,线型的;
  • regression [ri’ɡreʃən] n. 回归;退化;
  • plot [plɔt] vt. 密谋;绘图;划分;标绘
  • contour [‘kɔntuə] n. 轮廓;等高线;周线;电路;概要
  • contour plot 等值线图
  • contour figure 轮廓图
  • denote [di’nəut] vt. 表示,指示
  • derivative [də’rɪvətɪv] n. 派生物;导数
  • derivative term 导数项
  • subtly [‘sʌtli] adv. 精细地;巧妙地;敏锐地
  • nuance [’nju:ɑ:ns, nju:‘ɑ:ns] n. 细微差别
  • tangent [’tændʒənt] n. [数] 切线,[数] 正切
  • slope [sləup] n. 斜坡;倾斜;斜率
  • converge [kən’və:dʒ] vt. 使汇聚 vi. 聚集;靠拢;收敛
  • convex [kɔn’veks] adj. 凸面的;凸圆的
  • scalar [‘skeilə, -lɑ:] n. [数] 标量;[数] 数量