Lecture 08

Lecture 8 #

The Central Limit Theorem (CLT) #

  • Given a sufficiently large sample:

    1. The means of the samples in a set of samples (the sample means) will be approximately normally distributed,
    2. This normal distribution will have a mean close to the mean of the population, and
    3. The variance of the sample means ($\sigma_{\bar{x}}^2$) will be close to the variance of the population ($\sigma^2$) divided by the sample size (N).
  • A sample to prove: point 1 and point 2.

    • Test with a six-sided die

      • roll 100000 times(samples). Every time roll once, and get the mean values(the means of the samples).
        • Get mean and STD with the 100000 results
      • roll 20000 times(samples). Every time roll 50 dies, and get the mean values(the means of the samples).
        • Get mean and STD with the 20000 results
      • Base on the CLT, the test results should be normal distributed
      import random, pylab
      def getMeanAndStd(vals):
          mean = sum(vals)/float(len(vals))
          std = (sum([(x-mean)**2 for x in vals])/len(vals))**0.5
          return (mean, std)
      def plotMeans(numDice, numRolls, numBins, legend, color, style):
          means = []
          for i in range(numRolls//numDice):
              vals = 0
              for j in range(numDice):
                  vals += 5*random.random()
          pylab.hist(means, numBins, color = color, label = legend,
                     weights = pylab.array(len(means)*[1])/len(means),
                     hatch = style)
          return getMeanAndStd(means)
      mean, std = plotMeans(1, 1000000, 19, '1 die', 'b', '*')
      print('Mean of rolling 1 die =', str(mean) + ',', 'Std =', std)
      mean, std = plotMeans(50, 1000000, 19, 'Mean of 50 dice', 'r', '//')
      print('Mean of rolling 50 dice =', str(mean) + ',', 'Std =', std)
      pylab.title('Rolling Continuous Dice')
    • Conclusion:

      • It doesn’t matter what the shape of the distribution of values happens to be
      • If we are trying to estimate the mean of a population using sufficiently large samples
      • The CLT allows us to use the empirical rule when computing confidence intervals

Monte Carlo Simulation #

Finding π #

  • Think about inscribing a circle in a square with sides of length 2, so that the radius, r, of the circle is of length 1. (Invented by the French mathematicians Buffon (17071788) and Laplace (1749-1827))
    • By the definition of π, area = πr^2 . Since r is 1, π = area.

    • If the locations of the needles are truly random, we know that,

      • $\frac{\text{needles in circle}}{\text{needles in square}}=\frac{\text{area of circle}}{\text{area of square}}$
    • solving for the area of the circle,

      • $\text{area of circle} = \frac{\text{area of sqaure}\\ *\\ \text{needles in circle}}{\text{needles in square}}$
    • Recall that the area of a 2 by 2 square is 4, so,

      • $\text{area of circle} = \frac{4 * \text{needles in circle}}{\text{needles in square}}$
      • in this case $\text{area of circle} = {\pi}r^2$, and r=1, so:
        • $\pi = \frac{4 * \text{needles in circle}}{\text{needles in square}}$
      import random
      def getMeanAndStd(data):
          mean = sum(data)/float(len(data))
          std = (sum([(d-mean)**2 for d in data])/len(data))**0.5
          return (mean, std)
      def throwNeedls(numNeedles):
          inCircle = 0;
          for needle in range(numNeedles):
              if (random.random()**2 + random.random()**2)**0.5 <= 1.0:
          return 4*inCircle/numNeedles
      def getEst(numNeedles, numTrails):
          estPis = []
          for t in range(numTrails):
          return getMeanAndStd(estPis)
      # we want 95% (an arbitrary choice of accuracy) confidence interval with +- 0.005 precision
      # 95% => 0.95 => 0.475*2
      # check the z-table 0.475 => 1.96 std
      # so we are looking for 1.96 std less that precision
      # z-table: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_normal_table
      def estPi(precision, numTrails):
          numNeedles = 1000
          std = precision # just initial the value of std, can be any numbers large than precision
          while(std * 1.96 >= precision):
              mean, std = getEst(numNeedles, numTrails)
              print("Mean="+str(mean)+", Std="+str(round(std, 6))+", Needls="+str(numNeedles))
              numNeedles *= 2 
      estPi(0.005, 100)
    • more exercise

    • In general, to estimate the area of some region R

      1. Pick an enclosing region, E, such that the area of E is easy to calculate and R lies completely within E.
      2. Pick a set of random points that lie within E.
      3. Let F be the fraction of the points that fall within R.
      4. Multiply the area of E by F.