Lecture 12

Lecture 12 #

Machine Learning #

  • Definition
  • Basic Paradigm
    • Observe set of examples: training data
    • Infer something about process that generated that data
    • Use inference to make predictions about previously unseen data: test data
  • Procedures
    • Representation of the features
      • separate people with features(man/woman, educated/not, etc.)
    • Distance metric for feature vectors
      • make feature vectors can be calculated in a same range.
    • Objective function and constraints
    • Optimization method for learning the model
    • Evaluation method

Supervised Learning #

  • Start with set of feature vector/value pairs
  • Goal: find a model that predicts a value for a previously unseen feature vector
  • Regression models predict a real
    • As with linear regression
  • Classification models predict a label (chosen from a finite set of labels)

Unsupervised Learning #

  • Start with a set of feature vectors
  • Goal: uncover some latent structure in the set of feature vectors
  • Clustering the most common technique
    • Define some metric that captures how similar one feature vector is to another
    • Group examples based on this metric

Difference between Supervised and Unsupervised #

  • with label, we can classify the data to two clusters by wight or height, or four clusters by wight and height, which is Supervised Learning
  • without label, to figure out how to clustering the data, is Unsupervised Learning.

Choose Feature Vectors #

  • Why should careful?
    • Irrelevant features can lead to a bad model.
    • Irrelevant features can greatly slow the learning process.
  • How?
    • signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
      • Think of it as the ratio of useful input to irrelevant input.
    • The purpose of feature extraction is to separate those features in the available data that contribute to the signal from those that are merely noise.

Distance Between Vectors #

Minkowski Metric #

  • $dist(X1, X2, p)=(\displaystyle\sum_{k-1}^{len}abs(X1_{k}-X2_{k})^p)^{1/p}$

  • p = 1: Manhattan Distance

  • P = 2: Euclidean Distance

    def minkowskiDist(v1, v2, p):
        """Assumes v1 and v2 are equal-length arrays of numbers 
           Returns Minkowski distance of order p between v1 and v2""" 
        dist = 0.0 
        for i in range(len(v1)):
            dist += abs(v1[i] - v2[i])**p 
        return dist**(1.0/p)
  • For example:

    • To compare the distance between star and circle and the distance between cross and circle
    • Use Manhattan Distance, they should be 3 and 4
    • Use Euclidean Distance, they should be 3 and 2.8 = $\sqrt{2^2+2^2}$
Using Distance Matrix for Classification #
  • Procedures

    • Simplest approach is probably nearest neighbor
    • Remember training data
    • When predicting the label of a new example
      • Find the nearest example in the training data
      • Predict the label associated with that example
  • To predict the color of X

    • The closest one is pink, so X should be pink
  • K-nearest Neighbors

    • Find K nearest neighbors, and choose the label associated with the majority of those neighbors.
    • Usually, we use odd number. This sample, we use k = 3
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of KNN

    • Advantages
      • Learning fast, no explicit training
      • No theory required
      • Easy to explain method and results
    • Disadvantages
      • Memory intensive and predictions can take a long time
      • Are better algorithms than brute force
      • No model to shed light on process that generated data
  • For Example

    • To predict whether zebra, python and alligator are reptile or not.
    • Calculate the distances, we got:
      • The closest three animals to alligator are boa constrictor, chicken and dark frog, and two of them are not reptile, so alligator is not reptile.
      • But we know alligator is reptile. So what’s wrong?
      • We notice, all of the features are 0 or 1, except number of legs, which gets disproportionate weight.
        • So, Instead of number of legs, we say “has legs.” And then this becomes a one.
    • * The closest three animals to alligator are boa constrictor, chicken and cobra, and two of them are reptile, so alligator is reptile.
  • A More General Approach: Scaling

    • Z-scaling
      • Each feature has a mean of 0 & a standard deviation of 1
    • Interpolation
      • Map minimum value to 0, maximum value to 1, and linearly interpolate
    def zScaleFeatures(vals):
        """Assumes vals is a sequence of floats"""
        result = pylab.array(vals)
        mean = float(sum(result))/len(result)
        result = result - mean
        return result/stdDev(result)
    def iScaleFeatures(vals):
        """Assumes vals is a sequence of floats"""
        minVal, maxVal = min(vals), max(vals)
        fit = pylab.polyfit([minVal, maxVal], [0, 1], 1)
        return pylab.polyval(fit, vals)

Clustering #

  • Partition examples into groups (clusters) such that examples in a group are more similar to each other than to examples in other groups
  • Unlike classification, there is not typically a “right answer”
    • Answer dictated by feature vector and distance metric, not by a ground truth label

Optimization Problem #

  • Clustering is an optimization problem. The goal is to find a set of clusters that optimizes an objective function, subject to some set of constraints.
  • Given a distance metric that can be used to decide how close two examples are to each other, we need to define an objective function that
    • Minimizes the distance between examples in the same clusters, i.e., minimizes the dissimilarity of the examples within a cluster.
  • To compute the variability of the examples within a cluster
    • First compute the mean(sum(V)/float(len(V)), more precisely the Euclidean mean) of the feature vectors of all the examples in the cluster. , V is a list of feature vectors.
    • Compute the distance between feature vectors
      • $\text{variability}(c)=\displaystyle\sum_{e \in c}\text{distance}(\text{mean}(c), e)^2$
  • The definition of variability within a single cluster, c, can be extended to define a dissimilarity metric for a set of clusters, C:
    • $\text{dissimilarity}(C)=\displaystyle\sum_{e \in c}\text{variability(c)}$
  • It’s NOT the optimization problem to find a set of clusters, C, such that dissimilarity(C) is minimized. Because it can easily be minimized by putting each example in its own cluster.
  • We could put a constraint on the distance between clusters or require that the maximum number of clusters is k. Then to find the minimum between clusters.
K-means Clustering #
  • Constraint: exactly k non-empty clusters

  • Use a greedy algorithm to find an approximation to minimizing objective function

  • Algorithm

    randomly chose k examples as initial centroids
    while true:
        create k clusters by assigning each
            example to closest centroid
        compute k new centroids by averaging
            examples in each cluster
        if centroids don’t change:
  • Unlucky Initial Centroids

    • k=4, Initial Centroids:

    • Result:

    • Mitigating Dependence on Initial Centroids

      best = kMeans(points)
      for t in range(numTrials):
          C = kMeans(points)
          if dissimilarity(C) < dissimilarity(best):
          best = C
      return best

Wrapping Up Machine Learning #

  • Use data to build statistical models that can be used to
    • Shed light on system that produced data
    • Make predictions about unseen data
  • Supervised learning
  • Unsupervised learning
  • Feature engineering
  • Goal was to expose you to some important ideas
    • Not to get you to the point where you could apply them
    • Much more detail, including implementations, in text