Lecture 10 - 11

Lecture 10 - 11 #

Experimental Data #

  • These lectures are talking about the interplay between statistics and experimental science. And how to get a valid statistical conclusion.

The Behavior of Springs #

  • Hooke’s law of elasticity: F = -kx

    • In other words, the force, F, stored in a spring is linearly related to the distance, x, the spring has been compressed(or stretched).
    • k is called the spring constant.
    • All springs have an elastic limit, beyond which the law fails.
  • For example, How much does a rider have to weigh to compress the spring on motorbike 1cm? ($k \approx 35,000 N/m$)

    • $F = 0.01m * 35,000 N/m$
    • $F = 350 N$
    • $F = mass * acc$, $F = mass * 9.81m/s^2$
    • $mass * 9.81m/s^2 = 350N$
    • $mass \approx 35.68kg$
  • Finding k

    • We can’t conduct the experiment perfectly, so, to hang a series of increasingly heavier weights on the spring, measure the stretch of the spring each time, and plot the results will be a better way.

    • First we should know:

      • F=-kx
      • k=-F/x
      • k=9.81*m/x
    • Then, we got some data

      0.0865 0.1
      0.1015 0.15
      0.4263 0.65
      0.4562 0.7
    • Plot the data, we got:

      • It has some measurement errors.
    • Next step is to fit curves to data.

      • When we fit a curve to a set of data, we are finding a fit that relates an independent variable (the mass) to an estimated value of a dependent variable (the distance)

      • To fit curves to data, we need to define an objective function that provides a quantitative assessment of how well the curve fits the data. In this case, a straight line, that is linear function.

      • Then, finding the best fit is an optimization problem. most commonly used objective function is called least squares:

        • $\displaystyle\sum_{i=0}^{len(observed)-1}(observed[i] - predicted[i])^2$
      • Next is to use a successive approximation algorithm to find the best least-squares fit. PyLab provides a built-in function, polyfit:

        pylab.polyfit(observedXVals, observedYVals, n)
        • this function finds the coefficients of a polynomial of degree n that provides a best least-squares fit for the set of points defined by the arrays observedXVals and observedYVals.
        • The algorithm used by polyfit is called linear regression.
    • Visualizing the Fit

      def getData(fileName):
          dataFile = open(fileName, 'r')
          distances = []
          masses = []
          dataFile.readline() #discard header
          for line in dataFile:
              d, m = line.split()
          return (masses, distances)
      def labelPlot():
          pylab.title('Measured Displacement of Spring')
          pylab.xlabel('|Force| (Newtons)')
          pylab.ylabel('Distance (meters)')
      def plotData(fileName):
          xVals, yVals = getData(fileName)
          xVals = pylab.array(xVals)
          yVals = pylab.array(yVals)
          xVals = xVals*9.81  #acc. due to gravity
          pylab.plot(xVals, yVals, 'bo',
                     label = 'Measured displacements')
      def fitData(fileName):
          xVals, yVals = getData(fileName)
          xVals = pylab.array(xVals)
          yVals = pylab.array(yVals)
          xVals = xVals*9.81 #get force
          pylab.plot(xVals, yVals, 'bo',
                     label = 'Measured points')
          a,b = pylab.polyfit(xVals, yVals, 1)
          # estYVals = a*xVals + b
          estYVals = pylab.polyval(model, xVals)
          print('a =', a, 'b =', b)
          pylab.plot(xVals, estYVals, 'r',
                     label = 'Linear fit, k = '
                     + str(round(1/a, 5)))
          pylab.legend(loc = 'best')
      • k = 21.53686

Another Experiment #

  • to fit curves to these mystery data:

  • how good are these fits

    • we can see that quadratic model is better than linear model, but how bad a fit is the line and how good is the quadratic fit?

    • comparing mean squared error

      def aveMeanSquareError(data, predicted):
          error = 0.0
          for i in range(len(data)):
              error += (data[i] - predicted[i])**2
          return error/len(data)
      • then we got:
        • Ave. mean square error for linear model = 9372.73078965
        • Ave. mean square error for quadratic model = 1524.02044718
      • Seems like, quadratic model is better than linear model. But we still have to ask, is the quadratic fit good in an absolute sense?
      • The mean square error is useful for comparing two different models of the same data, but it’s not actually very useful for getting the absolute goodness of fit.

Coefficient of Determination ( R^2 ) #

  • $R^{2}=1-\frac{\sum_{i}(y_i-p_i)^2}{\sum_{i}(y_i-\mu_i)^2}$

    • By comparing the estimation errors (the numerator) with the variability of the original values (the denominator), R^2 is intended to capture the proportion of variability in a data set that is accounted for by the statistical model provided by the fit
    • Always between 0 and 1 when fit generated by a linear regression and tested on training data
    • If R^2 = 1, the model explains all of the variability in the data. If R^2 = 0, there is no relationship between the values predicted by the model and the actual data.
    def rSquared(observed, predicted):
     error = ((predicted - observed)**2).sum()
     meanError = error/len(observed)
     return 1 - (meanError/numpy.var(observed))
  • Testing Goodness of Fits

    def genFits(xVals, yVals, degrees):
     models = []
     for d in degrees:
         model = pylab.polyfit(xVals, yVals, d)
     return models
    def testFits(models, degrees, xVals, yVals, title):
     pylab.plot(xVals, yVals, 'o', label = 'Data')
     for i in range(len(models)):
         estYVals = pylab.polyval(models[i], xVals)
         error = rSquared(yVals, estYVals)
         pylab.plot(xVals, estYVals,
                    label = 'Fit of degree '\
                    + str(degrees[i])\
                    + ', R2 = ' + str(round(error, 5)))
     pylab.legend(loc = 'best')
    xVals, yVals = getData('mysteryData.txt')
    degrees = (1, 2)
    models = genFits(xVals, yVals, degrees)
    testFits(models, degrees, xVals, yVals, 'Mystery Data')
    • Quadratic model get 84%, and Linear get almost 0%.
    • Since the degree of polynomial can affect the Goodness of Fits, what if we use some bigger ones? Can we get a tighter Fit?

A Tighter Fit May Not Be We Need, So How to Choose? #

  • Why We Build Models

    • Help us understand the process that generated the data
    • Help us make predictions about out-of-sample data
    • A good model helps us do these things
  • How Mystery Data Was Generated

    def genNoisyParabolicData(a, b, c, xVals, fName):
        yVals = []
        for x in xVals:
            theoreticalVal = a*x**2 + b*x + c
            yVals.append(theoreticalVal + random.gauss(0, 35))
        f = open(fName,'w')
        f.write('y        x\n')
        for i in range(len(yVals)):
            f.write(str(yVals[i]) + ' ' + str(xVals[i]) + '\n')
  • Let’s Look at Two Data Sets

    #parameters for generating data
    xVals = range(-10, 11, 1)
    a, b, c = 3, 0, 0
    degrees = (2, 4, 8, 16)
    #generate data
    genNoisyParabolicData(a, b, c, xVals, 'Dataset 1.txt')
    genNoisyParabolicData(a, b, c, xVals, 'Dataset 2.txt')
    xVals1, yVals1 = getData('Dataset 1.txt')
    models1 = genFits(xVals1, yVals1, degrees)
    testFits(models1, degrees, xVals1, yVals1, 'DataSet 1.txt')
    xVals2, yVals2 = getData('Dataset 2.txt')
    models2 = genFits(xVals2, yVals2, degrees)
    testFits(models2, degrees, xVals2, yVals2, 'DataSet 2.txt')
  • Hence Degree 16 Is Tightest Fit, But

    • We want model to work well on other data generated by the same process
    • It needs to generalize
  • Cross Validate

    • Generate models using one dataset, and then test it on the other
      • Use models for Dataset 1 to predict points for Dataset 2
      • Use models for Dataset 2 to predict points for Dataset 1
    • Expect testing error to be larger than training error
    • A better indication of generalizability than training error
    testFits(models1, degrees, xVals2, yVals2, 'DataSet 2/Model 1')
    testFits(models2, degrees, xVals1, yVals1, 'DataSet 1/Model 2')
  • Increasing the Complexity

    • coefficient may be zero if Fitting a quadratic to a perfect line
      • for example one:
        • data: [{0, 0}, {1, 1}, {2, 2}, {3, 3}]
        • Fit y=ax^2+bx+c, will get y=0x^2+1x+0, which is y=x
      • for example two:
        • data: [{0, 0}, {1, 1}, {2, 2}, {3, 3.1}]
        • Fit y=ax^2+bx+c, will get y=0.025x^2+0.955x+0.005, which is y=x
    • if data is noisy, can fit the noise rather than the underlying pattern in the data?
      • for example:
        • data: [{0, 0}, {1, 1}, {2, 2}, {3, 3}, {4, 20}]
        • Fit y=ax^2+bx+c, we got:
          • R-squared = 0.7026
        • suppose we had used a first-degree fit
          • model = pylab.polyfit(xVals, yVals, 1)
  • Conclusion

    • Choosing an overly-complex model can leads to overfitting to the training data
    • Increases the risk of a model that works poorly on data not included in the training set
    • On the other hand choosing an insufficiently complex model has other problems
      • when we fit a line to data that was basically parabolic

Suppose We Don’t Have a Solid Theory to Validate Model #

  • Use cross-validation results to guide the choice of model complexity
  • If dataset small, use leave-one-out cross validation
  • If dataset large enough, use k-fold cross validation or repeated-random-sampling validation

Leave-one-out Cross Validation #

  • Let D be the original data set

    testResults = []
    for i in range(len(D)): 
        training = D[:].pop(i)
        model = buildModel(training)
        testResults.append(test(model, D[i]))
    Average testResults

Repeated Random Sampling #

  • Let D be the original data set

  • Let n be the number of random samples

    testResults = []
    for i in range(n)
        randomly partition D into two sets:
        training and test
        model = buildModel(training)
        testResults.append(test(model, test))
    Average testResults

An Example, Temperature By Year #

  • Task: Model how the mean daily high temperature in the U.S. varied from 1961 through 2015

    • Get means for each year and plot them
    • Randomly divide data in half n times
      • For each dimensionality to be tried
        • Train on one half of data
        • Test on other half
        • Record r-squared on test data
    • Report mean r-squared for each dimensionality
    • Code: lecture11-3.py
  • The Whole Data Set:

  • Results:

    • Mean R-squares for test data
      • For dimensionality 1 mean = 0.7535 Std = 0.0656
      • For dimensionality 2 mean = 0.7291 Std = 0.0744
      • For dimensionality 3 mean = 0.7039 Std = 0.0684
  • Line seems to be the winner

    • Highest average r-squared
    • Simplest model

Wrapping Up Curve Fitting #

  • We can use linear regression to fit a curve to data
    • Mapping from independent values to dependent values
  • That curve is a model of the data that can be used to predict the value associated with independent values we haven’t seen (out of sample data)
  • R-squared used to evaluate model
    • Higher not always “better” because of risk of over fitting
  • Choose complexity of model based on
    • Theory about structure of data
    • Cross validation
    • Simplicity