Week 6 - Reductions & Linear Programming & Intractability #
Reductions #
- Def. Problem X reduces to problem Y if you can use an algorithm that solves Y to help solve X.
- ex1. find the median of N items: sort N items and return the on in the middle.
- The cost os soloving finding the median is $N\log{N} + 1$. 1 is the cost of reductions.
Design Algorithms #
- Mentality.
- Since I know how to solve Y, can I use that algorithm to solve X ?
- Programmer’s version: I have code for Y. Can I use it for X?
- Examples:
- Convex hull
- Given N points in the plane, identify the extreme points of the convex hull (in counterclockwise order).
- Solution
- Graham scan.
- Choose point p with smallest (or largest) y-coordinate.
- Sort points by polar angle with p to get simple polygon.
- Consider points in order, and discard those that would create a clockwise turn.
- Cost: $N \log{N} + N$ <– N is the cost of reduction
- Graham scan.
- Convex hull
Summary #
Reductions are important in theory to:
- Design algorithms.
- Establish lower bounds.
- Classify problems according to their computational requirements.
Reductions are important in practice to:
- Design algorithms.
- Design reusable software modules.
- stacks, queues, priority queues, symbol tables, sets, graphs
- sorting, regular expressions, Delaunay triangulation
- MST, shortest path, maxflow, linear programming
- Determine difficulty of your problem and choose the right tool.
Linear Programming #
Intractability #
- Def.
- A problem is intractable if it can’t be solved in polynomial time.
- Search problem.
- Given an instance I of a problem, find a solution S.
- Must be able to efficiently check that S is a solution.
- Problems
P vs NP #
- Def.
- NP is the class of all search problems.
- P is the class of search problems solvable in poly-time.
- Nondeterministic machine can guess the desired solution.
- In week 5, we built a NFA for regular expression.
- Does P = NP ?
- If P = NP… Poly-time algorithms for SAT, ILP, TSP, FACTOR, …
- If P ≠ NP… Would learn something fundamental about our universe.
- NP-completeness
- Def. An NP problem is NP-complete if every problem in NP poly-time reduce to it.
- Implications of Cook-Levin Theorem