Week 2 - Minimum Spanning Trees & Shortest Path

Week 2 - Minimum Spanning Trees & Shortest Path #


Minimum Spanning Trees #

Definition #

  • find the minimum weight to connect all vertices.

Greedy Algorithm #

  • Simplifying assumptions
    • each edge’s weight is different with the others.
    • graph is connected.
  • So that the MST exist and is unique.
  • Cut properly
    • Def: A cut in a graph is a partition of its vertices into two arbitraty sets.
    • Def: A crossing edge connects a vertext in one set with a vertex in the other.
    • Given any cut, the crossing edge of min weight is in the MST. (Proof: Page 606)

Edge-weighted graph API #

  • Weighted edge API

    • Idiom for processing an edge e: int v = e.either(), w = e.other(v);
  • Edge-weighted graph API

  • Minimum spanning tree API

Kruskal’s algorithm #

  • Summarize:
    • Consider edges in ascending order of weight. Add next edge to the MST tree unless doing so would create a cycle.
  • Why there is no crossing edge has lower weight? Because we sorted the weight at the beginning, any edges left have larger weight.
  • Two challenge problems
    • How to organize a sorted edges with weight? use Priority Queue.
    • How to avoid cycle? Create a separted union-find data struture, and maintain a set for each connected components in the MST.
  • Java implemenation
  • Running time

Prim’s algorithm #

  • Summarize:
    • Start with vertex 0 and greedily grow tree T. Add to T the min weight edge with exactly one endpoint in T. Repeat until V - 1 edges.
    • More explanation. For example, add 0 at first, then explore all of the edges that connected to 0. Pick up the minimum one, let’s say 7, and add the new vertex into tree and then compare all edges connected to both 0 and 7. Repeat this process until adding v-1 edges.

Lazy Implementation #

  1. Start with an arbitrary endpoint. add it in the MST, and all edges connected to it into a min-PQ.
  2. Pop the minimum one edge, add it to MST, then add all associated edges to PQ.
    1. If the two endpoints that the edge connected to already exists in the MST, just ignore it.
  3. Repeat until V-1 edges are added in MST.
  • Java Implemenatation

  • running time

Eager Implementation #

  • Different from lazy, eager turuns to maintain a PQ proactively to avoid useless edges been added, and replace the ones that are connected to the MST with better edges.

    • For example, if 2,3,4 are added in the MST, and in the PQ, we have 6-4 edge with weight 0.52. When we add a vertex 5 in the MST, we realize that the weight of 5-6 is smaller that 4-6. Then we replace the edge in the PQ.
      • This will require that the PQ being indexed and support motification.
  • More details:

    1. Maintain a PQ of vertices connected by an edge to the MST, where (priority of vertex v) = (weight of shortest edge connecting v to the MST).
    2. Delete min vertex v from the PQ and add its associated edge e = v–w to the MST.
    3. Update PQ by considering all edges e = v–x incident to v.
  • e.g.

      • start with 0, added to MST. The vertices connected to 0 are 7, 2, 4, 6, corresponding the weights: 0.16, 0.26, 0.38, 0.58. In the PQ, it will be sorted as [7, 7-0, 0.16], [2, 2-0, 0.26], [4, 4-0, 0.38], [6, 6-0, 0.58].
      • then pop 7, and add it the MST. Then check the vertices connected to 0 and 7. 5 and 1 are new, add to the PQ directly. 4 is connected with both 7 and 0. 4-7 is lower than 0-7, replace 4’s weight to 0.37, and the edge associated with 4 to 4-7. Then the queue became [1, 1-7, 0.19], [2, 2-0, 0.26], [5, 5-7, 0.28], [4, 4-7, 0.37], [6, 6-0, 0.58]
      • then pop 1, add it to MST. 3 is new, add it to Q. Compare 1-5 and 5-7, no need to change. Then the queue became [2, 2-0, 0.26], [5, 5-7, 0.28], [3, 3-1, 0.29], [4, 4-7, 0.37], [6, 6-0, 0.58]
      • then pop 2, add it to MST. 6 is new, add it to Q. 1 already existed in Q, ignore. compare 3-1 and 3-2, 3-2 is smaller, update the Q. compare 6-0, 6-2, 6-3. 6-2 is smaller, update the queue the queue became [3, 3-1, 0.17], [5, 5-7, 0.28], [4, 4-7, 0.37], [6, 6-2, 0.40]
      • then keep going until MST got V-1 vertices.
  • The only challenging problem: How to maintain a PQ that support decreasing(no need for increasing) weight?

    • Start with same code as MinPQ.
    • Maintain parallel arrays keys[], pq[], and qp[] so that:
      • keys[i] is the priority of i, aka the weight of each vertices.
      • pq[i] is the index of the key in heap position i (1-based indexing)
      • qp[i] is the heap position of the key with index i (qp[pq[i]] = pq[qp[i]] = i)
        • This is for look up the index. For example, we want to decrease key[6]’s weight. we first look up where the key is in PQ with the array of qp, qp[6] = 2, then we know 6 is the 2nd. Then we can update the weight of pq[2] = whatever, and swim it up.
    • Use swim(qp[i]) implement decreaseKey(i, key).
  • Java implemenation

  • running time

    • Depends on PQ implementation: V insert, V delete-min, E decrease-key.

Shortest Path #


  • Weighted directed edge API

  • Edge-weighted digraph API

  • Single-source shortest paths API

Shortest-paths optimality conditions #

Generic shortest-paths algorithm #

  • Generic algorithm (to compute SPT from s) Initialize distTo[s] = 0 and distTo[v] = ∞ for all other vertices.
  • Repeat until optimality conditions are satisfied:
    • Relax any edge.

Dijkstra’s Algorithm #

  • Consider vertices in increasing order of distance from s (non-tree vertex with the lowest distTo[] value).
  • Add vertex to tree and relax all edges pointing from that vertex.
    • This will make sure all vertices have the shortest path from s.
    • The algorithm runs as a BFS.
  • Pick the vertex that has minimum distance to the origin to repeat the process until the last vertex.

Correctness proof #

  • Each edge e = v→w is relaxed exactly once (when v is relaxed), leaving distTo[w] ≤ distTo[v] + e.weight().
  • Inequality holds until algorithm terminates because:
    • distTo[w] cannot increase <- distTo[] values are monotone decreasing
    • distTo[v] will not change <- we choose lowest distTo[] value at each step (and edge weights are nonnegative)
  • Thus, upon termination, shortest-paths optimality conditions hold.

Java Implementation #

Acyclic Shortest Path in DAG(Directed acyclic graph) #

  • Steps:
    • Consider vertices in topological order.
    • Relax all edges pointing from that vertex.
  • Proposition:
    • Topological sort algorithm computes SPT(Shortest path tree) in any edgeweighted DAG in time proportional to E + V.
  • Java implementation

Bellman-Ford algorithm #

  • Initialize distTo[s] = 0 and distTo[v] = ∞ for all other vertices.
  • Repeat V times:
    • Relax each edge.

Single source shortest-paths implementation: cost summary #

    • Remark 1. Directed cycles make the problem harder.
    • Remark 2. Negative weights make the problem harder.
    • Remark 3. Negative cycles makes the problem intractable.
      • Def. A negative cycle is a directed cycle whose sum of edge weights is negative.

Finding a negative cycle #

  • If there is a negative cycle, Bellman-Ford gets stuck in loop, updating distTo[] and edgeTo[] entries of vertices in the cycle.
    • If any vertex v is updated in phase V, there exists a negative cycle (and can trace back edgeTo[v] entries to find it).