Week 6 - Hash Tables

Week 6 - Hash Tables #

Hashing #

  • Save items in a key-indexed table (index is a function of the key).

  • Hash function. Method for computing array index from key.

  • Issues.

    • Computing the hash function.
    • Equality test: Method for checking whether two keys are equal.
    • Collision resolution: Algorithm and data structure to handle two keys that hash to the same array index.
  • Implementing hash code: strings

    public final class String {
        private int hash = 0;
        private final char[] s;
        public int hashCode() {
            int h = hash;
            if(h != 0) return h;
            int hash = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++)
                hash = s[i] + (31 * hash);
            hash = h;
            return h;
  • Modular hashing

    • An int between -2^31 and 2^31 - 1.

    • Hash function. An int between 0 and M - 1 (for use as array index).

      private int hash(Key key) { return (key.hashCode() & 0x7fffffff) % M;}

Collisions #

  • Two distinct keys hashing to same index.
  • Solutions: separate chaining and linear probing.

Collision resolution: Separate chaining symbol table #

  • Use an array of M < N linked lists.
    • Hash: map key to integer i between 0 and M - 1.
    • Insert: put at front of i^th chain (if not already there).
    • Search: need to search only i^th chain.
  • Typical choice: M ~ N / 5 ⇒ constant-time ops.

Collision resolution: Open addressing #

  • When a new key collides, find next empty slot, and put it there.
    • Hash. Map key to integer i between 0 and M-1.
    • Insert. Put at table index i if free; if not try i+1, i+2, etc.
    • Search. Search table index i; if occupied but no match, try i+1, i+2, etc.
    • Note. Array size M must be greater than number of key-value pairs N.
  • Typical choice: α = N / M ~ ½.